Heavenly Mother, Where Are You?


I thought I would be sharing a different post today. In fact, I have two other posts partially drafted that I thought I would be sharing shortly.

However, I have something that really struck me this morning that I feel like I wanted to share. LDS General Conference is coming up in just a few short days (April 5 and 6 and you can watch it live online). Mack and I have tickets to the Saturday Morning session, something I’m very excited about. We’ve lived in Utah for four and a half years and have not yet made it to a conference session in person (First World Utah Mormon Problem, I know).

As we approach General Conference, it is tradition for members of the church to pray for guidance and direction on things that they are facing and to watch the Conference sessions in a spirit of receiving answers. I also try to do this and have had really enriching experiences as I’ve seen Conference answer questions for me and for others. Sometimes these talks were almost as if they were written specifically for me or for someone close to me.

This spring, I am hoping and praying for something I hadn’t even considered six months ago. It is surprising and humbling to me to see the way that my mind and my heart have changed over the last six months as I have prayed and studied and prayed and listened to the promptings of the Spirit.

I join with women throughout the world, but especially here in America, in my longing to hear and know more about my Heavenly Mother.

The LDS doctrine of God teaches us that we have a Heavenly Father who is literally, biologically our Father. He is the Father of our Spirits, which make up half our Soul, and the Father of Adam and Eve’s Physical Bodies, the other half of our Souls. We are also taught, though with much less regularity or depth, that we have a Heavenly Mother who is the Mother of our Spirits and Bodies.

I believe that when we speak of “God” we are talking about Heavenly Father AND Heavenly Mother just as much as we are speaking about Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost when we reference God. When we talk about Heavenly Father we often do so without understanding that Heavenly Mother’s hand is in the blessings we receive and Her ears hear the prayers we pray.

In fact, in the April 1978 General Conference, Elder Neal A. Maxwell (then a member of the presidency of the 70 and later called the the Quorum of the 12) taught that:

“Finally, remember: When we return to our real home, it will be with the “mutual approbation” of those who reign in the “royal courts on high.” There we will find beauty such as mortal “eye hath not seen”; we will hear sounds of surpassing music which mortal “ear hath not heard.” Could such a regal homecoming be possible without the anticipatory arrangements of a Heavenly Mother?”

There are other references to Heavenly Mother throughout LDS Church teachings, but as Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley taught in October 1991 (when he was a member of the church presidency but not yet president of the church):

“Logic and reason would certainly suggest that if we have a Father in Heaven, we have a Mother in Heaven. That doctrine rests well with me….[However]…we have no revealed knowledge [of her].”

My heart aches at that statement.

The LDS church is founded on the believe and claim that continuing revelation did not end with the Bible and that truth continues, even to this day, to be restored to the Earth. We believe that “[God] will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.” Surely the doctrines surrounding Heavenly Mother are one of those things.

As a Mormon woman seeking for truth and desiring to know more about who I am, what my role is in both mortality and Eternity and especially as I learn Salvation, I want to know more about my Mother. I want to know who She is. I want to see Her hand in my life. I want to know the ways She is preparing me for my return and how she is preparing the heavens on my behalf. I know she is.

So as I approach General Conference I am praying for even just a glimpse of my Heavenly Mother. I know She is real and I am certain Her presence will be at General Conference just as I believe my Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ will be. I am praying that the speakers words will reflect that. I know that I’m not alone in this.

As women of God throughout the world, we really should want to know both our Heavenly Parents. Mormonism is a religion of Revelation. I’m praying that we receive more this weekend.

11 responses »

  1. This was mentioned on Facebook, but I’ll echo it here instead of there. I don’t know if much will be revealed about Heavenly Mother. I’m not going to offer the ignorant explanation that Father wants to protect her (there is absolutely nothing to substantiate that). It’s also not my intention to be contradictory; if the Eternal family works anything like mortal families — and I believe that mortal families are close analogies to Eternal ones — Heavenly Mother would play a more significant role in my development and maturity as her son that Heavenly Father would (and, conversly, Heavenly Father would play a more significant role in the development and maturity of his daughters… sometimes I feel the women are more spiritual than men because God gives them more advantages than He gives us). Just because I’m a man, doesn’t mean I don’t have a strong desire to know my Mother better.

    However, one thing I have noticed in my personal study of the doctrine is that we really don’t mention Heavenly Father all that much. Yes, He is mentioned much more frequently than Heavenly Mother, but neither of them are mentioned as frequently as Jesus Christ. In fact, most of what we know about our Father are those attributes He has in common with Christ. This is a fact of mortality. Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are much more operative in our lives than Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother are, so they are the Gods we are going to comprehend the best. We can assume that their best attributes are shared by all gods, and therefore apply them to Father AND Mother, but that’s about as far as our knowledge can take us.

    A very powerful analogy is the Veil of the Temple. This Veil represents Jesus Christ. Behind this Veil is a room that represents the Celestial World in which our Heavenly Parents live. However, we cannot see that world until we pass through. For that matter, we can’t even see the Veil until we are in a Terrestrial state (whereas most of us are now in a Telestial). There is much that has to be done to get to that Veil just to hear a voice come from the Exhaulted Realm and almost all of us haven’t done all that is necessary to get there. Thus, the Church leaders’ focus is to get us to the point where we may encounter our Heavenly Parents personally. Their efforts are mostly spent on getting us to the Veil or, in other words, bringing us to Christ.

    This is why I don’t think we’ll hear much about Her this conference or any other. There is so much to be said that is critical to our condition right now and General Conference doesn’t really offer enough time to say it all.

    I do hope, in spite of this, that the Spirit will find just a moment to indulge us. If He does, I will be grateful.

    • I really appreciate your thoughts! I do disagree with you on a few points however.

      First, I think at least in Mormondom (and in theory more than practice), mothers play a more significant role in the development of their children across the board than fathers do. Some of this is because of the demands on fathers’ time versus mothers’ time (as in, fathers are primarily responsible for the financial well-being and then they often have significant callings that take them away from their families as well. This is one area where the Ordain Women supporters actually have a very good point about workload responsibilities in the church.

      Second, I think that while our doctrine centers more on Jesus Christ – and the canonized scriptures certainly do – we have many, many, many references to Heavenly Father throughout our doctrine. We have whole lessons on the Father and the Son, we pray to the Father, we talk about developing a relationship with the Father and we have no equivalent for our Mother. I think this focus on Heavenly Father, our prayers to Him, etc. are because Jesus Christ said “Send me and let the glory be Thine.” That’s the pattern. But I don’t believe for one second that our Heavenly Mother was not involved in that Great Council, that She did not tell us it was Her plan too, that She was not involved in preparing us for Earth life.

      And, yet, “we have no revealed doctrine.”

      In that same talk from Pres. Hinckley, he counseled us against praying to Heavenly Mother, essentially cutting off our direct ability to develop a relationship with her. Without any revealed doctrine and without any traditional conduit to our Mother, she has essentially been hidden from most members.

      I have had a few experiences with Her in my life and continue to look for them, but I desperately desire to learn more about Her and see Her more in our doctrine than we currently do. I hope that at this General Conference that hope will be realized in some small manner. But if not, I will continue to look for Her in my life, continue to pray for more personal revelation and continue to hope and pray for more church-wide revelation on our Mother.

  2. The Gospel of Abraham
    Go and do the works of Abraham, and glorify your Father in Heaven
    We the patriarchs and matriarchs can establish Zion in our own homes, a sanctuary a refuge from the world, and have a holy altar, for worshipping the Lord in the True Order of Prayer, seeking further light and knowledge from Elohim Heavenly Father. Seeking the Lord’s face and confirming every doctrine and teaching with the Holy Ghost. Coming up to Mt. Zion and begin spiritually communing with the Church of the Firstborn. This means taking the sacrament in their presence, and dedicating a meeting to them, and worshiping in our homes. They will begin to give you instructions daily…
    Becoming a People Prepared for the Lord’s Return and Zion’s return…
    Does this mean we do not need the church? I say unto nay! The church is instituted for those who are not of the order of Abraham and therefore qualify for governing their own families. The church has many functions for the Lord’s purposes, many examples. The church maintains the temples through the tithes of the saints of God… In the temples there is work going on for the dead…We cannot blame the church on this telestial earth it is, the vehicle to get you to the temple; we cannot judge the church or those in positions of authority in the church. They belong to Jesus Christ; He alone is the judge of the churches (Revelations the Book, John the translated Being will come on a mission)
    D&C 49:8 Wherefore, I will that all men shall repent all are under sin except those which I have reserved unto myself, holy men that ye know not of.
    John committed the keys of the dispensation of the gospel of Abraham to Joseph Smith. What does this mean for us as a people the saints of God? It means you received this gospel under covenant just like father Abraham and mother Sarah to be Patriarchs and Matriarchs over your own families… To take responsibility of your own spiritual and temporal progression, not to wait for others to tell you how to get your family in order with God! You have a family government…to become Zion!
    If you use your priesthood in the manor taught you in the temple, you will receive daily revelations, and be taught from on high. It is a living constitution for your family government.
    Declaration of the Family-You are Adam and Eve, and need to be instructed how to return to the presence of your Heavenly Parents…and build a Zion on earth, because this earth will be the celestial kingdom of God…everything will happen right here on this planet earth.
    What is the gospel of Abraham that John restored?
    It is the oldest form of Government, a family government.
    D&C 132:31-33
    31 This promise is yours also, because ye are of Abraham, and the promise was made unto Abraham, and by this law is the continuation of the works of my father, wherein he glorifieth himself.
    32 Go ye therefore and do the works of Abraham; enter ye into my law and ye shall be saved. (Do the works in your own family, live the laws, build a family altar) Therefore, glorify your Heavenly Father!
    33 But if ye enter not into my law ye cannot receive the promise of my father which he made unto Abraham.
    I say unto you receive the promises, take charge of your spiritual progression, don’t wait for someone else. Have Faith!
    Since the oldest form of government is patriarchal and matriarchal, meaning that it was based on the priesthood ordinances of salvation and exaltation. The church of the firstborn is the divine order in its eternal form. This heavenly church has messengers that help us to build this priesthood family order on earth.
    (I.e. the endowment) The ordinances of the endowment allow a person to become a firstborn of God.

  3. After the savior fulfills the Law of Moses and introduces the Melchizedek priesthood and the ordinances of Godliness back to the earth. We are initiated into this patriarchal and matriarchal order of heaven as prophets-prophetesses, priests-priestesses, kings-queens this is part of your endowment of power.
    These are the same priesthoods Adam and Eve were blessed with before the fall, but with divided responsibilities. Most understand the patriarchal order, and the priesthoods of Heavenly Father and His Son. Only a few understand the matriarchal order of Heavenly Mother and Her daughters…
    The Matriarchal Order of Heaven…
    All those who have ears to hear let them hear, and understand about the matriarchal order of woman and mothers. Let any man or woman, who cares to argue about the powerful priesthood given to woman in the Celestial World hold their tongues, and honor both his father and his mother so that his days may be long in the land. If you are supposed to honor your earthly father and mother, how much more should we honor our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother…
    Eve was endowed with priesthood power from Elohim Heavenly Mother. This is how the drama of the endowment plays out … In the Celestial World, man and woman are created, after the image of the Elohim, the heavenly order of family…
    Narrator: But this is not all. Elohim Heavenly Mother caused the Man to sleep from his substance Elohim Heavenly Father and Elohim Heavenly Mother formed the body of woman. And Elohim Heavenly Mother commanded that substance that it should bring forth fruit after its own kind and no other. Then the Woman received her spirit in the same manner as the Man. Yea, then Mi-Ahrah who was great among the daughters of Elohim Heavenly Mother and among they unto whom she had given Her Endowment of Power, did possess the body of the woman, even as Michael who was great in the Father’s Council, had possessed the body of the man.

    Narrator: But this is not all. Elohim Heavenly Mother laid her hands on the Woman and ordained her to a holy calling, and gave her substance in the injunction to nurture all living things, but most especially, her children. Then Elohim Heavenly Mother gave to the Woman Her own name called her name, “Mother.”
    Elohim Heavenly Father: The gift you have given mankind is the key to the sealing. Woman has inherent in her creation the drive to sacrifice to her children. She will provide the man with a right model to live by. She is a help mete for him, for he has not that within him which draws one to subdue the self. His own nature alone is enough to thwart our work because of Lucifer. If he looks to his wife, their experience together will teach man the fundamental steps toward subduing his nature. Then shall the Holy Ghost be able to speak to him. In this way shall the man and the woman be sealed with that same quickening that associates us all together. Then, if they remain true to the counsel we give them through the Holy Ghost, they will have the power to overcome Lucifer and his people.
    Elohim Heavenly Mother: It is well. Now I can rest my mind.
    Elohim Heavenly Father: Jehovah, we will make a garden valley eastward in Eden and place the Man and the Woman in it.
    Jehovah: It shall be done, Elohim.
    Narrator: Then Adam and Eve awake and arise.
    Follow just what Adam and Eve do…
    They built an Altar, and began calling upon Father, for further light and knowledge. They would not accept a man’s teachings, only the messengers sent from heaven with the right tokens.
    How are you going to get messengers? 
    This entry was posted in The Gospel Of Abraham. Bookmark the permalink.

  4. Nemenhah Temple Endowment; Covenant of Elohim
    Posted on April 18, 2014 by c j

    The Lord taught many things to many people by employing stories and parables. These conveyed to the heart and mind of the hearer a true sense of things even if every detail may not have been related. The following relation speaks of times before times, when men and women worked their way to exaltation following an ancient and set path. The players in the relation are our own relations. Each of us are also included in the story. Therefore, it is our story as much as it is theirs. All my relations!
    For clarity, we have translated names into their corresponding English meaning. Some of the names are difficult to translate. For example, “Elohim” means “Heavenly” and is a plural, feminine denominative. In Nemenhah, “Pa Elowe” means Mother in Heaven, and “ShiElowe” means Father in Heaven. “Elohim” means
    God the Father and God the Mother in Their united sense and connotes the Sealing Power. We have, therefore, sought to make the names correspond to something more meaningful to the English speaker.
    There are several voices in this relation. When the ordinances of the High Place are performed by the people, each voice is represented by a separate person. This avoids confusion. The voices are:
    Narrator Eve
    Elohim Heavenly Mother Satan
    Elohim Heavenly Father Peter
    Holy Ghost James
    Holy Ghost Elders John
    Jehovah Preacher
    Lucifer The Voice of the Mob
    Those who participate in the ordinances ought to have good and clear intention, for God will not be mocked.
    There should not be any manner of ill-will between those who participate together in the re-telling or reenactment of this relation. Only the best of feelings should prevail.
    The ordinances of the High Place are specifically designed for the Living. Because of this verity, they are distinguished from the vicarious ordinances performed for and in behalf of the “Dead” in holy temples. This distinction does not intend to denigrate the sacrifice for the dead, but great emphasis is placed upon what
    Telestial people may do in this life in order to be introduced into the Terrestrial World and receive revelation and instruction from Angels, the Spirits of Men and Women made perfect in Christ, and even from the Savior Himself, preparatory to being introduced at the veil to converse with the Father. The vicarious work for the dead is carried on in another place, by other people of good intention, and the Holy Ghost does attend their sacrifice for the sake of deceased family members.
    It should always be remembered that the Nemenhah lived in a different time than we do and they received from God that which was expedient for them. That they wrote specifically so that we in these days might learn from their experiences makes these records of some little importance to us.

    The Relation of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother

  5. Chapter One
    1) Elohim Heavenly Mother: Ponder the deep, Elohim. Is it not a great question?
    2) Elohim Heavenly Father: Look out into the deep, Elohim, and tell Me what You see.
    3) Elohim Heavenly Mother: I see space there – space to fill, space to build, space to do a great thing.
    Long have I pondered the deep and wondered why it remains so dark and empty. Should it not be filled with light? Should it not be filled with wonder and beauty? Where We are, there is light and truth. Our own parents provided this for Us and We rose up by line and by precept to become like them. Why do We look out upon the deep and see emptiness? It is a thing that should not be.
    4) Elohim Heavenly Father: We look upon where We are and see what is real. Out yonder there is no one to see Us. Indeed there is no one to see at all. What need then, has the deep of light, and wonder, and beauty? Our work is for the world in which We find Ourselves. Why should We ask for more than what is?
    5) Elohim Heavenly Mother: I am not “no one,” Elohim. I look upon the deep and I would see what I would see.
    6) Elohim Heavenly Father: That is right, Elohim. Now, because someone sees the deep, I perceive that there is substance there which fills the expanse and the emptiness. It is matter but it has no order.
    7) Elohim Heavenly Mother: It is the same as the world in which We now labor except that, unto the matter with which We do Our labor, someone has given order. Therefore, the question still exists – why should the deep remain so? What ought to be done with the matter? Why should not We venture to do the
    same there as has been done heretofore? Or shall We remain always here to act upon another’s work?
    8) Elohim Heavenly Father: To act upon what has always been is not a bad work, Elohim. Indeed, it has brought Us to exaltation. In this way all spirit children do arise, line upon line and precept on precept, even unto the state and stature of their parents. This is the Everlasting Covenant. Do You think to rashly abandon that which We have learned from Our own experience?
    9) Elohim Heavenly Mother: I do not wish to abandon anything, Elohim. But let Us cause light and truth to expand and grow. Else, why should We be endowed with power at all?
    10) Elohim Heavenly Father: It is right, Elohim Heavenly Mother. Let Us leave that which We now know by virtue of another’s work and make works of Our own.
    11) Narrator: Then Elohim Heavenly Father and Elohim Heavenly Mother separated Themselves from each other for a season and set about the work of organizing matter. Elohim Heavenly Father found the task easier than Elohim Heavenly Mother, for His endowment was to create by combining matter into organized unions. He made stars, worlds, moons, and other astral bodies. He caused all of these to coalesce into great swirling formations and clouds. He experienced all this creation first hand by placing Himself within the creation – giving of His own substance by way of pattern and form, and the deep matter willingly obeyed. Then He stood back and observed His work and pondered it.
    12) Narrator: Elohim Heavenly Mother found creation more difficult, for Her endowment was in becoming a wellspring of life unto matter. She caused the deep matter to recognize itself as a living soul, and taught it to seek patterns of order, and the matter did live; but, without experience, it could do nothing but ponder itself. Then She too stood back and observed Her work and pondered it.
    13) Elohim Heavenly Father: See, Elohim, that I have been able to cause the matter to become organized. I
    have made moons, worlds, and stars, such as We have heretofore seen. But the bodies have no life. Organization alone brings no real order to the matter.
    14) Elohim Heavenly Mother: It is so, Elohim. Look how I have given self knowledge to the deep matter and it does seek patterns of order. But the matter does only ponder itself and is confused. Life and existence alone brings no real order to the matter.
    15) Elohim Heavenly Father: Our work alone does not accomplish anything. Our previous work was fruitful because there was organization and life brought together by fathers and mothers. When one is without the other, the matter remains in chaos.
    16) Elohim Heavenly Mother: Why should We work thus alone? Why should We not combine Our work together?
    17) Elohim Heavenly Father: It is right, Elohim. I shall work by the endowment of My power to bring together the deep matter and organize it into all the astral bodies We have heretofore seen, and I shall consecrate all that obey Me unto the endowment of Your power. 18) Elohim Heavenly Mother: I shall work by the endowment of My power to give Your organizations self-knowledge and they shall become living beings capable of perception.
    19) Elohim Heavenly Father: I do covenant with You, Elohim, to share all My creative works with You, that the endowment of My power may be combined with the endowment of Your power.
    20) Elohim Heavenly Mother: I do covenant with You, Elohim, to share all My creative works with You, that the endowment of My power may also be combined with the endowment of Your power.
    21) Elohim Heavenly Mother: Then were Elohim Heavenly Father and Elohim Heavenly Mother bound by
    Their covenant one to another, and They became one in heart, one in mind, and one in purpose. This is the first covenant made by our Heavenly Parents. We desire that all do likewise. All arise.
    22) Elohim Heavenly Mother: Each of you do solemnly covenant to share your work in this life and in the life hereafter with your own spouse. Each of you bow your head and say “Yes.”

  6. 23) Elohim Heavenly Mother: It is enough. That will do. You may be seated.
    Break for Instruction
    (The participants now pause in their re-telling or re-enactment in order to receive instruction from the Peli about the nature of the covenant and bond between men and women in this creation.)

    Resume Session
    24) Narrator: Then did Elohim Heavenly Father and Elohim Heavenly Mother become truly united, essentially bringing into being living things in the deep that could both perceive and be perceived, beings that could act and be acted upon – the Father, by causing deep matter to coalesce into astral bodies such as He had theretofore seen, and the Mother, by giving the bodies life. Thus, they were bodies indeed because of the Truth bestowed by the Father, and they were bodies indeed because of the Light bestowed by the
    25) Narrator: The Father placed His own matter in the bodies so that all things became His. The Mother placed Her own understanding in the bodies so that all things became Hers. Therefore, were all things of the Father and of the Mother, and all things were one.
    26) Elohim Heavenly Father: Elohim, behold My relations!
    27) Elohim Heavenly Mother: Elohim, behold My relations!
    28) Narrator: And They stood back and observed Their creation and saw that a portion of the deep was now filled with light and beauty in abundance, and They rejoiced in Their accomplishment.
    29) Narrator: Then the Father and the Mother begot spirit children after Their own kind and They did populate Their creation and They did begin to teach them to become like unto Themselves by line and by precept. From the smallest particle to the largest astral system, the Father and the Mother taught Their children to learn and to grow by participating in the creation personally. They bestowed upon Their own children portions of Their own Endowment of Power, that they also might create worlds and thereby progress toward the state and stature of their Parents.
    30) Narrator: And when they had received these great gifts, and when they had each undertaken the work of creation, the children no longer enjoyed the presence of the Father and the Mother. For, they had all entered into the Everlasting Covenant and the matter of their creations could not abide the presence of Celestial Beings until those creations had progressed into that glory. Should any of them come into the presence of a Celestial Being before such progression had taken place, their matter would disintegrate and they must begin that portion of creation again. Therefore, the Father and the Mother refrained from making Their presence known unto them, but waited upon the plan to bring them together once again. Notwithstanding, They could still observe from a distance the creations and works of Their children without disrupting them.
    31) Elohim Heavenly Mother: Each of you created worlds in the pre-earth life. In the creation of these worlds, you participated in every step of development.
    32) Elohim Heavenly Father: When the first atoms combined to form the clouds of matter from which worlds were made, each of you lived in that creation. Your matter was part of it, and it was part of you. Because of this, in the face of great faith, the atoms respond and miracles take place. They know you, for they are your relations.
    33) Elohim Heavenly Mother: When the first atoms combined into molecules, each of you lived in that creation. Your matter was part of it, and it was part of you. Because of this, in the face of great faith, the molecules respond and miracles take place. They know you, for they are your relations.

  7. ← Women’s Priesthood Daughters of Adam and Eve
    Ordain Women
    Posted on April 18, 2014 by c j

    Jesus Christ visits the people of Corianton; and ordains women

    The Other Book of Mormon-Greater Things

    Mentinah Archives vol. 1

    The Second Book of Shi-Muel ( Samuel the Lamanite )

    Page 78

    Chapter Six
    1) Now, it was while I labored as High Priest to the people of Corianton, before the year wherein my father returned unto our fathers, that the signs which I had prophesied unto the people of Zarahemlah concerning the birth of the Christ were accomplished. And when my son Corianton and I did labor together in that capacity the signs of His death came, and the people were amazed and affrighted.

    2) But behold, the Spirit did whisper peace to our minds and to our souls so that we did patiently bear the day, the night and the day of darkness. For, though the occurrence was frightful, still, the Spirit did sing a song of sweet redemption to our souls. And many dreamed dreams and saw visions. And even some few did receive commandments as to what should be done when the Lord did come to visit the people of Corianton.

    3) And He did come unto us, in accordance with the visions that I too had received when I was but a young man. For, we had gathered together to worship when the signs came. Yea, and all the people in the cities had gathered to Corianton. And all the people in the forests had gathered, and also from the lakes and rivers. And we were all together, a great concourse of people awaiting the coming of the Lord.

    Page 79
    4) And we did hear His voice from afar off and we did shout with joy when we heard it. For, it caused our hearts to leap. Yea, our hearts did leap within our breasts and nothing could haveprevented us from crying out our joy when we heard His voice.

    5) But the voice was first a voice of warning unto all those who did wickedness. And from this we understood in our hearts that not all the wicked were destroyed. But behold, many were destroyed, even the most part, and that so that all might have one or many accounts to tell of the signs that preceded the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. And the voice was as the voice of an Angel, not of a trump or of thunder. But it did pierce us to the core. And behold, the voice did also separate the good from the bad. For, those who feared the retribution of a just God, trembled and sought to hide themselves. Yea, and they were
    filled with great loathing to see Him. But those who did good works were filled with joy and they ran out into the streets and clearings to see what was about tobefall. Yea, they welcomed their Lord with praise and singing.

    6) And in the day that He did come amongst us, and it was not long after the signs of His death had abated, we did according to the things we had been commanded in the visions and revelations that many had received during the days of darkness.

    7) Behold, we did greet Him as our King and our High Priest. And I did take Him by the hand and I did lead Him to the seat of the High Priest. And I did place upon Him the robes of the High Priest and He did sit upon the seat. And behold, I did declare to all the people that this was the Christ, the Son of the Living God; He who was killed by His own; He who had paid the uttermost price for our redemption and who had sealed it with the sacrifice mostdear. And the people did gather to the Temple to see Him and to hear His words.

    8) And behold, my son Corianton did approach the seat and, bowing himself down before his Lord, he did wash His feet, hands, and head, and he did anoint Him with oil most precious. And when he had done this, the Lord did place His hands upon the head of Corianton and blessed him, and bid him arise.

    9) And behold, Pa-Sabel approached also the seat and bowed herself down before the Lord. And she did break bread and blessed it, as she had been taught to do upon the Way. And she offered it to the Lord, and He did eat. And she did pour out pure wine into a grail and blessed it, as she had been taught to do upon the Way. And she offered it to the Lord, and He did drink. And when this was done He took her by the hand and arose from the seat. And He said in the hearing of all the people gathered there:

    10) Behold, this is well, what these two have done unto me. For they did approach me upon the Way. Yea, they did seek My face and I did acknowledge them. And behold, I did teach them these things upon the Way when I did show Myself unto them who sought Me. Let them be an ensample unto all those who would come unto Me and diligently seek Me. Unto such shall I give My kingdom. Yea, of such shall I make up My jewels.

  8. 11) And behold, when He had said these words, He did join the hands of Corianton, my son, and Pa-Sabel and presented them together to the host, saying:

    12) These two have become First Man and First Woman. Surely, they shall always administer My sacraments together. For, the one is not without the other in Me. Wherefore, I shall bless and sanctify all that they do.

    13) And unto the two, He said:

    14) Go now and do like as you did unto Me also unto all this people, teaching them to do likewise unto every person. And they went straightway and ministered unto the people, teaching them the ordinance of these two sacraments.

    15) And when they had done this and returned again, He turned again unto me and said:

    16) Are there any sick and afflicted among you? Let them come up unto Me and I will bless them. And by their faith, they shall be made whole.

    17) And we did cause that all those who were sick and afflicted to approach Him and He was pleased. For there were not so many who were sick and afflicted because of the many healers that worked their gifts among us. But there were some who had met with accidents who were halt and some who had complaints that they had borne for many years for which the Healers had no cure. But behold, these were not many.

    18) Now, when they had approached the Lord, He did lay hands on them and blessed them. And behold, they did arise and were free of their afflictions. And thiswas a great confirmation of what we had always
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    believed about the Lord, that He is mighty to saveboth quick and dead. And we rejoiced in this affirmation.

    19) And when He had blessed all the sick and the afflicted, He turned again unto me and said:

    20) Suffer the little children to come unto me, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.

    21) And we did suffer all the parents to gather the little children and bring them to the Lord. And He did teach them many things that cannot be written. And He raised His hands into the air and He blessed all the little ones. Now when He had done this, a great light was seen in the sky above their heads and they were all enveloped in light. And it was to be seen within the light that Angels descended and did minister to the children. And voices were heard that we did not understand, and songs were voiced that we did not know.
    And all the people marveled at this thing. And when the Angels had again ascended and the light had gone away, behold, the countenances of the children shone still and they did prophecy.

    Chapter Seven

  9. 1) Now, after all these things had taken place, Jesus turned once again to me and said:

    2) Behold, the people of Corianton are Nemenhah indeed. Great should be your joy and also your cause to give thanks and rejoice. For, you have listened toMy voice and you have soughtMy face. Wherefore, I have manifested Myself unto you at many times, and you are not surprised nor too much amazed by My appearance unto you this day. This thing does please Me very much. Now I go unto the Nemenhah of Mentinah again to teach them. Continue faithful and I will visit you often to teach you also.

    3) And after He had said this, a cloud did descend fromheaven and He was taken up in it and carried away with a great sound.

    4) And I, and all the people, did stand in amazement and in joy. Yea, we felt a joy that could not find expression. And we could not find it in ourselves to depart one from another for the space of many hours because of the Spirit that was in us. For, of a sudden one person or another would burst forth in prophecy and we were loathe to be absent from such miracles.

    5) Now, in three days time the people had meant to meet to worship together because of the signs that had been shown in the heavens. And now that Jesus had visited them and manifested Himself unto them, they were all the more anxious to meet and offer oblations unto Him. And it was while we were thus met and employed that we looked and behold, Jesus stood in our midst. And when we had seen Him, all the people bowed down to the earth before Him. And He sat with us and taught us upon the bench, saying:

    6) Samuel, you who have been my mouthpiece in times past, be so now even unto this people. And take twelve of your people, of both men and women, and behold, I shall touch them and place upon them the priesthood. And they shall listen to My words and take them to the people. For the multitude gathered is great and My voice shall reach them all through Myanointed ones. And all those who are of the Nemenhah of Corianton who are not present must also hear My words. Wherefore, these whom you appoint and upon whom I lay this great charge, shall take other twelve from each city and region, to begin
    the spreading of My gospel to all the people.

    7) Then, when all the people have received of My word, let them all strive to obtain for themselves the anointing. And if they do this with singleness of heart, seeking My face, behold, I shall manifest Myself unto them upon the Way. For I am the Way, the Truth and the Light. If anyone seeks Me in this spirit, they shall find Me.

    8) And I did all that the Lord commanded me, choosing out six men and six women who were known to me to be upright people with good intentions. And He took them one by one and touched them and called them to be His servants. And these are the words He used:

    9) Upon you, my servant, I lay a certain charge and commission. And I give you authority to act in all things that the Spirit does manifest that I would do were I present to do them. Wherefore, be diligent in study, and also in fasting and in prayer. In this shall you know My doctrine. Yea, in this shall you know of Me, through the whisperings of the Spirit, that which isMy will and that which is not. And I give unto you power to command the elements as often as the Spirit dictates. Wherefore, pray always that you be not deceived and carried away in pride.

    10) Then, casting His eyes about, He taught us concerning this priesthood, saying:
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    11) Behold, I do perceive your thoughts. Marvel not that I have given mine authority to women and men alike. Yea, this thing has been of concern to some since the day that Pa-Sabel received word from Me of the ordinance she should perform when I came. Behold, I do confer the priesthood upon those men who
    would follow Me and do the things they see Me do. And unto such is made an ordination, that they may speak and act in My name, and be justified in so doing. But I do not confer such upon the women, for they have of My Mother in Heaven that which I cannot give. Wherefore, I do ordain them. But the priesthood they have already cannot be given, nor taken away, but by that person who gave it. Wherefore, if there be any woman who desires to follow Me and do the thingsthey see Me do, they are authorized from the foundation of the world, and I do justify them.

    12) For, the daughters of Eve do sacrifice of themselves freely for the sake of all living. For this cause did Adam call her name Eve. For she is the Mother of all Living. She does give of herself, even to the laying down of her life, in order that man might be, and in order that the purposes of heaven may go forward. She is a Priestess and Queen unto the Most High

  10. God forever.

    13) Wherefore, if by the Spirit she is moved upon to take up emblems of My life and death, and bless them, and administer them to the people, what is that to you? She does it unto Me. Wherefore, restrain her not at all.

    14) But behold, men received not such power by their creation and come into the world without the natural inclination to do good. Wherefore have I said, the natural man is an enemy to God. By the sweat of his face shall Adam earn his bread all the days of his life. And through constancy in service and in sacrifice shall he learn, order by order, line upon line, even precept on precept, to become like Me and do the things they see Me do. Wherefore, I confer priesthood upon men who would be My servants, and I give them
    authority to minister. But woman are ministers from the foundation of the world.

    15) And when a man wishes to engage in the work ofmy Father which is in Heaven, you unto whom I have given this authority may confer it unto him and ordain him to that stewardship that I shall provide for him. That he may also take up his cross and learn by the application of the Law of the Gospel to give freely of himself, breaking his heart and humbling his spirit. For,this is the sacrifice which I will accept of him.
    Yea, he shall bend his own will and tame it, and do whatsoever I shall command him. And this he shall learn to do without coercion or compulsion, but freely ofhis own accord. This is the sacrifice of the heart and the spirit which I require of all those who would call themselves My servants.

    16) And that man shall attend to do his duty unto the people, administering the sacraments unto them, keeping My Holy House, and teaching the people. This is the work that I shall require of him. And behold, he shall do all this freely and shall not be compelled to do it in any way. For, though the priesthood appear to be that by which service is rendered unto others, it is a service unto Me and unto My Father. Wherefore, let him do it with an eye single to the glory of God and not tohis own. And if he do this, he shall attain to that
    state of happiness of which the prophets have spoken, both in this life as also in the life to come.

    17) And when a woman wishes to engage in the work of My Father which is in Heaven, in addition to that great work which the Mother has given unto her by virtue of her very creation, you, unto whom I have given My authority, may ordain her unto that stewardship that I shall provide for her. And she shall apply that great gift, which My Mother which is in Heaven has given her, to the ministering unto the people as
    the man does. She shall also bend her own will and do whatsoever I shall command her. But remember, whereas the stewardship that I shall provide for every man is a necessary thing for most men, in order that they might overcome the natural man, that which has been provided women by the Mother does already accomplish this end for them. Wherefore, priesthood, though a woman may officiate in the sacraments and
    in every holy ordinance, is not requisite for her salvation. Whereas, men must have this device in order to truly come unto me. And where the priesthood is not available for them, surely I shall provide another means whereby men may overcome that which prevents them from the Way.

    18) And these are the sacraments which I command you to administer unto My children:

    19) You shall bless your little ones, calling upon My name. For, in the day that I began the work of Atonement for them, they were given to Me by the Father and the Mother. Wherefore, ye are My children, notwithstanding, I am also My Father’s son.
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